Our mission...

It consists of supporting, assisting, accompanying and dignifying all families in the different aspects. To men and women, to minors, ethnic minorities, immigrants, mothers with children in charge, family diversity, women victims of gender violence and other situations of similar circumstances, with the aim of contributing to the prevention and elimination of the causes that originate their social vulnerability, as well as the situations of inequality, in order to favor a balanced and appropriate development to the circumstances that surround them.

Our vision...


Work regarding the attention and promotion of people in a situation of social exclusion, immigrants, mothers with children in charge and any other in similar circumstances of need, favoring their employment situation, the improvement of their conditions of quality of life


Work on strengthening the potential of people through accompaniment, advice, training and direct, individualized and group intervention. Work on strengthening the potential of people through accompaniment, advice, training and direct, individualized and group intervention.


Work on promoting an inclusive and intercultural society, based on coexistence, justice, equal opportunities and support for diversity.


Work directly with childhood so that they can exercise their rights to survival, protection, development, training and participation.


Working non-formal education through processes and practices that involve the group, attending an educational intent and planning of the teaching-learning process outside the school.


Work the promotion of volunteer and social awareness, the prevention of racism, xenophobia and the conservation of the environment.


Working the circular economy as a system of resource use, prevailing, social and environmental benefit and interrelating itself very closely with sustainability.

Our values...


The continuous improvement in the intervention allows us to reach the implicit and explicit needs of our beneficiaries, optimizing our performance and guaranteeing the social profitability of the entity.


We are sensitive to the needs of others and act under the principle of mutual aid, improving their living conditions, according to their real possibilities.

Comprehensive care

The attention to our users, we understand it acting on the different areas of their lives, demanding a real customization and coordination in the actions. Focusing on the person, stimulating her actively participating in her process. The end of attention is the person, their dignity, their well -being, their rights and their decisions, without prejudice to the fulfillment of their duties and responsibilities.


We profile strategies designed with a network work with public and private entities that yield a wide battery of actions seeking to accelerate an improvement of the challenges that have been identified as priorities.


We act trying to develop, without losing sight of excellence and comprehensive care in terms of number of beneficiaries, actions, experiences, heterogeneity of profiles treated …


Teamwork allows us to meet the objectives, increase motivation and creativity and facilitate the social skills of each team member.

Social commitment

We apply the values ​​and knowledge to the service of the social problems of our environment, putting the interests of society on particular interests in the search for social welfare.


The demand raises the value of things because it improves the results, so we propose the objectives and actions as inherent potential in both cases.

Circular economy

We manage it as a productive and consumer model, which implies sharing, reusing, repairing and recycling existing materials and products, creating added value and extending their useful life.

Social economy

We look for a different and supportive way to make economics, which implies changing the form of consumption of goods and services, thinking about the real possibility of achieving social transformation.

Fields of action

Third age

Social inclusion programs

Recicla's Classroom


Public administrations


Third age

Social inclusion programs

Recicla's Classroom

Public administrations

